An easier week

Since I didn’t update anyone on my ILP project from two weeks ago I’ll take a few minutes to update all of you on that. Since the weather was so nice two weeks ago, I completely took advantage of it and went on walks around town all week. It was too nice to go into the gym and do something. It worked out perfect because it gave my friend Courtney and I a chance to catch up on what we did for Spring Break and just life in general. I really enjoyed going on walks because we would be out there for at least an hour and a half walking and time just flew by. I had to laugh because on one of the days we were out there walking we had a “great idea” of walking to McDonald’s to try their shamrock shakes. We didn’t actually go because that would totally defeat the purpose of exercising  and the main reason… we forgot our wallets in the car haha.

This past week, we did go back into the gym and it was more laid back we were both busy all week so we just went in and didn’t work as hard as we should have. Our main focus was just biking and on the treadmill. I enjoyed walking a lot more than being indoors. I was missing the warm weather and our walks around town. I also have some exciting news! So I decided to weigh myself the other day and to my surprise I had lost four pounds since I started working out. I realize four pounds isn’t a whole lot to brag about but I was excited to see that I was getting some results. My sister is all about working out and eating healthy so I have been telling myself that this summer I will be going with her everyday to work out, to make sure I keep losing weight and staying somewhat healthy. I have also been really good about staying away from candy and chocolate! It was so hard that first week because it just seems like when you can’t have something that’s when you want it the most.

I’m excited to see if I will lose any more weight from now until the semester is over. Pinterest has all kinds of weight loss ideas but I am kind of skeptical if their tips actually work or not. Half of me wants to give some of that a try but the other half says don’t be that weird girl that takes odd ideas off of Pinterest to lose weight. This process has made me realize how hard it is to lose a few pounds and I admire people who really get focused and give it their all to lose a lot of weight.

8 thoughts on “An easier week

  1. Great update! I like the efforts you have been making. From research I have done in the past, the best way to lose weight and remain healthy is to eat healthier foods. Yes, this is very difficult to do, and is a longer process, but it gives the best results. It may not burn the same amount of weight as sweating does from running or jogging, but it turns the unhealthy weight into healthy weight. So many people try to just not eat to lose pounds as fast as they can, but this is so harmful to the body. Lacking food has a negative effect on metabolism, and it can even reverse its effects. In the long run this can force your body to continuously gain weight because your body has lost its ability to metabolize. So, just make sure you’re not harming your body in the long run by trying to lose a few pounds too quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the advice! It is very helpful. I have definitely become more aware of what I eat and I try not to eat things I don’t need. Hard to believe coming from the girl that loves carbs and everything unhealthy haha. Thank you again for the advice!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. mindycressdigitalliteracyspring2017 says:

    Good job on loosing the weight! it is showing that your work is paying off! I know it can be really hard to stay focused, but it sounds like you have a great support system to help you along your journey. Keep up the good work!


  3. Alondra,
    Way to stick to your guns on staying away from the candy and chocolate. Temptations can really get the best of most people. And also way to keep going with your workout plans, most people decide to give up if they do not see results right away.
    Keep it up!


  4. Alondra,
    I give you props for sticking it out! I always start working and out and being healthy but it never lasts for more than a couple of weeks.. I definitely agree with you on how you prefer to walk outside. I absolutely LOVE being outside when it is nice out, that is a great intensive for me to do something active. Keep on working hard, thanks for sharing. 🙂


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